Bioshock Infinite Slots

Bioshock Infinite before it came out I was ready to finish the game and try again the feelings that I had tried finishing the first Half-Life, but I had to make me realize that that was not the case. Revenue in Columbia for a great story and a great setting, but do not expect when you exit the title that will change your life. VOTE 8.5 Expand. Infinite Ammo script now fixes weapon accuracy and recoil. Also added SaltMax to Character section. Script will now set Salt to SaltMax when enabled and a vigor shot is fired. Added Extras section with: noPauseOnLossOfFocus. This disables game entering Menu mode when alt-tabbing. - Update #3. BioShock Infinite is a first-person shooter video game developed by Irrational Games and published by 2K Games. It was released worldwide for the Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and OS X platforms in 2013, and a Linux port was released in 2015.

Content of the article: 'Bioshock Infinite is a good game, but a regression in mechanics'

Bioshock infinite plot summary

So firstly I liked the story. I'm a sucker for time travel/multiverse stories in general and I think this was pretty good. It gets a bit confusing near the end, but all around I enjoyed it(especially with Burial at Sea). I also think Infinite has the best characters in the series, though that is mostly just because the previous games didn't spend nearly as much time on the characters. Elizabeth in particular is great. Seeing her evolution unfold throughout the story is very enjoyable. The Luteces are also very enjoyable. Their quirky little interactions were fun. I loved the setting. Flying city is a really cool concept and things like skyhooks and zeppelins just to add to making it unique.

One part I think Infinite falls short that isn't mechanics is worldbuilding(not sure if that's necessarily the correct term). Now this will definitely be subjective, but Bioshock 1 and 2 did a good job of setting up Ryan and Lambs viewpoints via audio diaries. Then using the world(and other audio diaries) to show how their extremism led them to being the antagonist in pursuit of their ideals. This allowed you to examine their viewpoints and the ultimate result of the extremes, see both sides of the coin(some of which is even relevant today). Infinite on the other hand portrays Comstock and Columbia in general in such a way that the racism and classism makes it hard to really see any positives.

Before I move on to mechanics, why can't you manual save anymore? I don't understand this decision. It might've been fine if the autosave was more generous. Luckily in some locations you can transition areas to trigger autosave.

On to the mechanics. Right at the start I just want to make clear, this game is good, it plays fine. I just think a lot of these things are regressions for the series. So firstly the stuff I liked. Having Elizabeth scrounge around for you during combat was great. In general giving her gameplay stuff to do was a lot of fun. Skyhooks were fun though imo a little underutilised, especially with exploration. The Vigors are some of the best in the series. Shoutout to Undertow and Bucking Bronco, so useful.

So the things that are steps back. The weapons are boring. They're just straight equivalents to real life weapons. On top of that the weapon upgrades are boring. Just stat upgrades and no visual changes at all. Now Bioshock 1 also didn't have anything other than stat upgrades(with 1 or 2 exceptions), but those did change the actual gun model and all the weapons had ammo types. Bioshock 2 of course had stat upgrades and mechanics upgrades(all with model changes) and ammo types. While I'm on the topic of weapons, limiting you to just 2 weapons felt so bad. I used weapons like the RPG or sniper so little just because I'd have to give up weapons that are more generally useful.

Next the gear system, its good, but it's also just gene tonics from the previous games. Thus at 4 slots it just offers less options. My last issue is that you can't save health kits for later use anymore. Elizabeth's scrounging helps this somewhat, but I would've preferred an option for on demand healing.

Lastly I want to talk about Burial at Sea. It is great. Part 1 gives a look a Rapture before shit hit the fan and I loved it. On top of that we get a cool new weapon(and fun upgrades for it) and you aren't limited to just 2 weapons. Part 1 is a little short though. Part 2 was very surprising. It successfully imo(as good as you can do by building on top of the base) turns the game into a stealth game. There are non stealth options, but I have no idea how they hold up since I stealthed through it all. I expect non stealth would be harder simply because most of your tools are designed to help with stealth. Story wise Burial at Sea is probably the most relevant to Bioshock as a whole and quite well done. Seeing certain audio diaries from the first game play out in front of you was pretty cool as well.

In closing Bioshock Infinite is a really good game, but mechanically the weakest of the series. The story was engaging and I enjoyed it, but with a sequel confirmed I hope the multiverse stuff doesn't become a get out of jail free card or make the story hard to follow. Much like with Rapture I'd be really excited to go to Columbia again.



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