Lotro Guardian Class Slot Items


  • Shield-spike Kits are used by Guardians and Wardens to increase their attack critical chance or change their damage type while using a shield.
  • While basic shield-spike kits are available at the trainer, it is recommended to get those crafted by Weaponsmiths.
  • The Shield-spike Removal Kit is sold exclusively by the trainer.
  • Shield-spike Kits have a 2m cooldown.
  • Class slot will be specific to your class (as suggested by the name). You can typically get a low-level version of one from your class trainer. Otherwise, it'll be made by some craft (depends on what class you are which craft makes it). The pocket slot is just another inventory slot - like rings or boots, etc.
  • 6 Man Anorien Armour Avoidance Beta Bullroarer Burglar Class Class Guide Contest Cordovan Costume Coupon Crafting Dadi Essence Essences Executive Producer Far Anorien Featured Instance Guardian Guide Halloween Hunter Instance interview Legendary Item LI LOTRO Mordor Pelennor Fields Raid Remmorchant Server Maintenance Severlin Stat Caps Turbine.

Guardian Trainer or Warden Trainer

NameDamage TypeCritical
Journeyman Shield-spike Kit+2%5m20
Journeyman Westernesse Shield-spike KitWesternesse10m20

Lotro Guardian Class Slot Items, casino bonuses no deposit, casino public school uniform shop, black restaurant star casino. October 2, 2018. LI – Legendary Items. These are items (weapons, class items, and saddles) which are intended to grow in strength with your character as they level. The rarest and most powerful type of LIs. Join the world's largest MMO gaming network.


Lotro guardian class slot items catalog
NameDamage TypeCritical
DurationMin Level
Journeyman Shield-spike Kit+2%5m20
Resilient Journeyman Shield-spike Kit+3%5m20
Journeyman Westernesse Shield-spike KitWesternesse10m20
Resilient Journeyman Westernesse Shield-spike KitWesternesse15m20
Expert Ancient Dwarf Shield-spike KitAncient Dwarf10m30
Resilient Expert Ancient Dwarf Shield-spike KitAncient Dwarf15m30
Expert Shield-spike Kit+3%10m30
Resilient Expert Shield-spike Kit+4%10m30
Artisan Beleriand Shield-spike KitBeleriand10m40
Resilient Artisan Beleriand Shield-spike KitBeleriand15m40
Artisan Shield-spike Kit+4%15m40
Resilient Artisan Shield-spike Kit+5%15m40
Master Shield-spike Kit+4%20m40
Resilient Master Shield-spike Kit+5%20m40
Master Westernesse Shield-spike KitWesternesse15m20
Resilient Master Westernesse Shield-spike KitWesternesse20m20
Supreme Ancient Dwarf Shield-spike KitAncient Dwarf15m30
Resilient Supreme Ancient Dwarf Shield-spike KitAncient Dwarf20m30
Supreme Shield-spike Kit+4%25m40
Resilient Supreme Shield-spike Kit+5%25m40
Westfold Beleriand Shield-spike KitBeleriand15m70
Resilient Westfold Beleriand Shield-spike KitBeleriand20m70
Westfold Shield-spike Kit+4%30m70
Resilient Westfold Shield-spike Kit+5%30m70
Eastemnet Ancient Dwarf Shield-spike KitAncient Dwarf+5%30m80
Eastemnet Beleriand Shield-spike KitBeleriand+5%30m80
Eastemnet Westernesse Shield-spike KitWesternesse+5%30m80
Westemnet Ancient Dwarf Shield-spike KitAncient Dwarf+6%35m90
Westemnet Beleriand Shield-spike KitBeleriand+6%35m90
Westemnet Westernesse Shield-spike KitWesternesse+6%35m90
Doomfold Ancient Dwarf Shield-spike KitAncient Dwarf+7%35m106
Doomfold Beleriand Shield-spike KitBeleriand+7%35m106
Doomfold Westernesse Shield-spike KitWesternesse+7%35m106
Ironfold Ancient Dwarf Shield-spike KitAncient Dwarf+8%35m116
Ironfold Beleriand Shield-spike KitBeleriand+8%35m116
Ironfold Westernesse Shield-spike KitWesternesse+8%35m116
Minas Ithil Ancient Dwarf Shield-spike KitAncient Dwarf+8%35m121
Minas Ithil Beleriand Shield-spike KitBeleriand+8%35m121
Minas Ithil Westernesse Shield-spike KitWesternesse+8%35m121

Master Item Index • Armour Index • Weapons Index • Jewellery Index
Essences: 41-50 • Level 51-60 • 61-70 • 71-80 • 81-90 • 91-100 • 101-110 • 111-120 • 121-130 • Class-specific
Consumables: Morale Potions • Power Potions • Curative Potions • Carnival Food • Cooked Food • Fortifying Food • Special Food • Trail Food • Hope Tokens
Battle Lore • Oils • Shield-spikes • Beverages • Fine Drinks • Strong Drinks • Pipe-weed • Campfire Kits
Class Items: Beorning • Burglar • Captain • Champion • Guardian • Hunter • Lore-master • Minstrel • Rune-keeper • Warden
Legendary Items: Legendary Items • Legacies • Titles • Relics
Crafting Items: Crafting Tools • Crafting Lore • Crafting Journals • Mastery Components

Guardian Legendary Belts

Guardian Belts are crafted by Metalsmiths, dropped or bartered.

Guardian Legendary Legacies revealed by a Forge-master51*
Guardian Legendary Legacies revealed by a Forge-masterCrafted at levels 60, 65, 75, 85, 95 and 100
Guardian Legendary Legacies revealed by a Forge-masterCrafted at levels 60, 65, 75, 85, 95 and 100
Guardian Legendary Legacies revealed by a Forge-masterCrafted at levels 65, 75, 85, 95 and 100

'*': this item is a reward for the quest Vol. II. Book 1 Chapter 14: Khazad-dûm at Last!.

Master Item Index • Armour Index • Weapons Index • Jewellery Index
Essences: 41-50 • Level 51-60 • 61-70 • 71-80 • 81-90 • 91-100 • 101-110 • 111-120 • 121-130 • Class-specific
Consumables: Morale Potions • Power Potions • Curative Potions • Carnival Food • Cooked Food • Fortifying Food • Special Food • Trail Food • Hope Tokens
Battle Lore • Oils • Shield-spikes • Beverages • Fine Drinks • Strong Drinks • Pipe-weed • Campfire Kits
Class Items: Beorning • Burglar • Captain • Champion • Guardian • Hunter • Lore-master • Minstrel • Rune-keeper • Warden
Legendary Items: Legendary Items • Legacies • Titles • Relics
Crafting Items: Crafting Tools • Crafting Lore • Crafting Journals • Mastery Components
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Yellow Line Burglar ‘Riddler’ Build

By Araphorn

Table of Contents

Welcome, here you will find a good build for Yellow Burgs, tuned specifically for T3 MM Remmorchant raid. Yellow Burg is a spec that hasn’t changed much over the years, and they’ve had a guaranteed spot in just about every LOTRO raid.

Yellow Burg brings a few important things to the raid, they bring debuffs such as Double Disable and Double Enrage, some CC and strong +11% incoming damage debuffs to the target. Now, there are some fights which you can’t do without Double Disable at all, which is why there will always be a spot for Yellow Burgs, thus making this a nice spec to have.

Apart from the group utility, a well played Yellow Burg will also do 60-70% of the Red Burg’s DPS output, and that is not something that should be overlooked. Yellow Burg can help the group further by doing some really nice DPS too.

Stat Goals

*This applies to all levels, from 0 to 130.

Your primary job as Yellow Burg is to keep your Debuffs up, while staying alive and dishing out DPS.

Physical Mastery > Critical Rating > Vitality > Finesse

With Endgame gear and correct placement of Essences, Virtues and so on, your unbuffed stats should be:

  • Morale at 350K+
  • Finesse at 270K+
  • Physical Mastery at ~750K+
  • Critical Rating at ~550K+

Your Morale should exceed 300K+ with Buffs. As a Yellow Burg, it’s advisable to have that morale pool for T3 Raids. Finesse at 270K is also important so your Addles/CJs (Fellowship Maneuvers) don’t get resisted.

* While you are gearing up, remove all Essences from your current Gear, and then slot Essences as per the Stat goals. After you have met the Stat goals, then place the right Virtues (more down on that down below). This way you can plan your setup better, and utilize Essences perfectly, and can dump the remaining Essences in Vitality or other Stat of your choice after meeting Stat goals mentioned above.


Yellow Burg got a very nice set bonus from the Remmorchant Raid, called ‘Gifted Trickery’. It allows the Burg to keep both of their tricks active permanently. Without the set, there’s a 6s downtime on the 2nd trick, and the Raid set bonus closes that gap.

If you don’t have any Raid pieces, go for the T1 Armor until you get the Raid set. Use Essences till you meet the Stat Goals, as listed above, 250K+ Morale, 270K Finesse, 780k Mastery, 580k Critical (Capped Virtues help a lot).

These are my stats, by using 4x Yellow Line set, and 2x Red Set.

Here is my gear and essence combo:

By using this setup, I reach my Stat Goals.

The Jewels I use are from the new Remmorchant Raid also, apart from Earrings, which are from Shadowed King (AM) 3-man T5.

  1. Earrings: Shadowed King T5
  2. Pocket: Thrang T2
  3. Necklace, Bracelets and Rings: Amdân Dammul (New WotTP Raid)

Special Trigger Essences to use:

You need both of these as a must, you can place them wherever you like. I slot them on Necklace so I can share them between my Alts.

Trait Trees

There are currently two way to trait a Yellow Burglar. One way is more support orientated, which includes having Trip skill traited (which is very important for CJs/Fellowship Maneuver heavy fights), and the other way is more DPS focused, without Trip.

This is the tree for Trip skill traited:

Lotro Guardian Class Slot Items For Sale

Use that tree if you are the only Burg responsible for CJs in the fight.

Now, if there’s no requirements for CJs or if you have multiple Burgs in group that can help you with CJs, there’s another way to trait the Yellow Burg:

This tree opens up Gambler’s Advantage, which allows you to do Aim-Flashing Blades-Double-edge Strike rotation. Very important for DPS output.


These are the virtues I use to reach the Stat Goals. You can play around with these to get the numbers you want, but I would not recommend using any Mits virtues (apart from Fidelity) as you don’t gain much from them.

By using these Virtues, I reach my Stat Goals, while still maintaining a good Morale pool.

  1. Valour (Best DPS virtue for Physical classes)
  2. Determination (Best DPS virtue for Agility classes)
  3. Confidence (Best Critical Rating virtue for all classes)
  4. Loyalty (Best virtue for Morale for all classes)
  5. Wit (Best for Finesse, really good for Yellow Burgs)

Legendary Items

Yellow Burg pretty much uses the same LIs from Red Line. There are some extra legacies for Yellow Line which are on the Bag, but those skills are pretty underwhelming and not worth using, which makes those legacies underwhelming also. I have them on an extra Bag just in case they buff those skills up, but till then, you will be fine with just using 1 Bag for Red and Yellow both. Here is my LI setup:

A small note about my Bag, it’s purely for PvE only, and it can be used in either Red or Yellow Line, but it’s not for PvP, I use a different bag for there.

Lotro Guardian Class Slot Items List

Swap Legendary Items

I use 2 Swap LIs on Burg. These are both optional in Yellow Line.

  1. Yellow – All In bag is used as a swap Pre-Fight for All-In buff.
  2. PvP bag is used as a swap for Dust in the Eyes debuff.


Yellow line Burg does not have a strict rotation like Red Line, and that’s because you have to occasionally break your rotation and do some CC (crowd control), some CJs or refresh your tricks. I’ll underline what I do on Yellow Burg anyway.

Here is what I do on Yellow Burg:

  1. Follow your Raid’s target assist, and always put Reveal Weakness before starting the fight.
  2. Now, if you are in Stealth, use CA on your target right away. If you are not in stealth, use a Trick. The Tricks should go up right away when you start combat. Ask your Raid leader which Trick he wants from you and do those.
  3. After you have put up your first Trick (Disable/Enrage), use Trickster skill and put the same Trick again so you stack it up twice.
  4. Now that your tricks are done, use Quite a Snag (QaS) on the target, that puts additional 3% Incoming Damage on the target, which is quite potent, and use Addle on it too for -27% Tactical Damage debuff, which is important also.
  5. Your target is fully debuffed now from your end, it has Reveal Weakness, double Tricks, QaS and Addle. After this is done, you can start your DPS rotation.
  6. To start the rotation, you want to open your Crit Chain first, and to do that use either Cunning Attack (CA), Surprise Strike (SS), or Subtle Stabs.
  7. When you have your crit, use Gambler’s Advantage (GA). Then you can Aim and do Flashing Blades (FB) and Double-edged Strike (DeS).
  8. Non-Aim rotation will be the same in Yellow Line also. GA – Provoke – FB – DeS. When those are done, use lots of Subtle Stabs, and can use CA/SS to open up crit chains.
  9. That’s it for the DPS rotation, but don’t get too occupied into DPS rotations.
  10. Since you are in Yellow Line, your primary job is to keep both your Tricks active, your Quite a Snag debuff active, and responsibility for CJs and helping other mobs with mezes/CC.
  11. If you have all that covered, then only focus on DPS.


There are the consumables I use on Burglar:

  1. These are important for a Yellow Burg to have. It’s a free CJ and it helps when your Exploit Opening/Trip is on cooldown.

This is the Food I use:

Lotro Guardian Class Slot Items Diablo 2

Updated as of U28.

Lotro Guardian Class Slot Items Catalog
